
#武汉肺炎,彭丽媛瞎。髸产党改革派批习近平王毅的国防外交路线【Now, once more, it is mainly China’s power and behavior that cause a shift in the bilateral ties. The Americans are alarmed by China’s expanding global influence exemplified by the Belt and Road Initiative, its reinforcement of the role of the state in economy and society, as well as the amalgamation of the Communist Party leadership and its ideology. The current trade friction is only a reflection of the deep-rooted and growing divide in political values, power structures, and national goals between the two giants. 王缉思:评估美国对华政策的根本性转变 四个因素可能引起这一激烈的变化:(1)两国力量对比在向中国倾斜;(2)不断加深的意识形态差异;(3)经济利益的冲突;(4)中国被视为美国国内政治的替罪羊。尽管这四种因素结合起来可以解释美国政策的转变,但作者认为最近十年中国不断变化的行为对于重塑美国对华态度影响更大。未来,中美关系可能进一步恶化,但观察人士希望两国能避免暴力对抗】

