
#On Thursday, U.S. Attorney David L. Anderson and FBI Special Agent in Charge John F. Bennett announced they had arrested of Xin Wang, a scientific researcher and officer with the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) People’s Liberation Army (PLA), on charges of visa fraud as he was trying to return to China from Los Angeles International Airport. #赵宋三个代表蔡京气,老领导们压赤心薄熙来刘源邓楠李訥们【中央港澳工作领导小组亮相 韩正任组长 ;四川省委常委分工调整 59岁王一宏任省委秘书长 ;军委办公厅副主任王安龙任中部战区陆军纪委书记;军科院高层调整 武警纪委原书记王小鸣履新该院副政委;柯良栋履新中国贸促会副会长 ,曾在公安部法制司(局)任职20年;原任空军纪委书记王成男中将,已任中部战区副政委兼战区空军政委 ,生于1964年10月,吉林舒兰人,】

