
#Emmanuel Macron faces police revolt as officers refuse to make arrests amid protest chaos #新冠瘟疫,英国官僚、法国政客,法广等耍心眼斗信息战,欲离间髸产党啊。但西毛子深肤穷人、特深肤穷人的暴动折腾到年底,特朗普就砸了,进而世界格局千禧年级的巨变可期,王岐山刘源寻思【革命老区 法国的抗议者 将一辆汽车推向警察! L步军统领的视频 】

#This ancient origin of red hair hypothesis is also suppported by the tendency for many Ashkenazi Jews to have red hair. If the red hair / R1b type originate in the Pontic Steppes or elsewhere in Central Asia, it is not surprising that many of the Ashkenazi/Khazar peoples would be red headed, as many Ashkenazi Jews were undoubtedly Khazars who converted to Judaism by fiat or marriage. The Scythians were also often red heads. The Scythians, in particular, seem have had appearance, art, and behavior reminiscent of the ancient Celts. Striking looks, warlike, and lovers of metalwork and horsemanship.

