
#GORDON CHANG: I think that what they tried to do was to try to make sure that it escaped China to level the playing field. They did two things, governor. First of all, they tried to convince the world that this disease was not human-to-human transmissible when they knew that it was. Also, they pressured countries to accept arrivals from China #武汉肺炎,纽约瘟疫。倕咝楼瘌中央委员们蹿病毒筒子,至少误判连连,拖拖拉拉【1月24日,由解放军陆军、海军、空军军医大学抽组的三支医疗队共450名同志,分别从上海、重庆、西安三地乘坐军机出发,于当日23时44分前全部抵达武汉机场,次日即投入到当地定点收治医院争分夺秒开展救治工作,由联勤保障部队筹措的第一批1万多套防疫物资也星夜运抵武汉。此后,经习主席批准,军队抽组1400名医护人员于2月3日起承担武汉火神山新型冠状病毒感染肺炎专科医院医疗救治任务。2月13日,军队增派2600名医护人员支援武汉抗击新冠肺炎疫情】

