#trumpism, Pompeo, testifying at a Senate hearing, said the "tide is turning" on China, citing international support for U.S. policies #瘟疫搏杀,恶毒攻击任何政客,一说诚,二说能,买办楼瘌政治局没恶毒攻击特朗普卢比奥班农,没国防外交方面的特朗普主义者博尔顿批的狠【美国洛杉矶市议员惠泽尔涉嫌从房地产公司收取超150万美元贿赂被FBI带走,惠泽尔除去议员身份,还兼任洛杉矶市规划和土地使用管理委员会主席。卢志强,1951年生于山东威海,从小聪明好学,改革开放后,成为那个时代下为数不多考入重点大学 】
#fk Dianne Feinstein! Says China, Which Is Putting Muslims … Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein praised China Thursday as a country “growing into a respectable nation” and cautioned against holding the country accountable for the coronavirus pandemic. “We hold China as a potential trading partner, as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of ... #粪坑黛安·范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)说对了部分,瘟疫乱糟糟,很难定责,如伊万卡无力奋战,她父女们做替罪羊【美国参议员黛安·范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)出席参议院司法委员会的听证会时表示,中国是受人尊敬的国家,因疫情起诉中国是巨大的错误】
#fk Senator Dianne Feinstein ! (D., Calif.) labeled China a “respectable nation” in a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. The committee convened to discuss a bill introduced by Senator Martha McSally (R., Ariz.) that would allow U.S. citizens to sue the Chinese government for damages stemming from the coronavirus pandemic #粪坑黛安·范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)呲溺,显示垃圾市侩华盛顿充满普京刘鹤胡锦涛的特务,张嘴说扶贫,赵紫阳胡耀邦时期还算,现在只是楼瘌灙鯀们自杀折腾【】
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